I never was a coffee drinker. I know energy drinks are déclassé, but whatever. If you know me, you know this is my signature beverage. I start my mornings with one, and I’m aware how disgusting that sounds. More for taste than any kind of caffeine buzz, which I think I’m numb to anyway. This flavor used to be more common but every now and then I’ll have to drive around town from gas station to gas station to track one down. Always worth it.
Dec 14, 2021

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This shit is pure trash, but I LOVE it! Tropical flavored Yellow redbull is the only drug I do. I don’t do coke, speed, adderall, or ketamine; but when I’m on a writing deadline or need to get a lot done, I’ve been known to drink two or three of these and lose my mind in the BEST way. Everything on my to do list gets done. My apartment is never as clean as when I’ve had several yellow red bulls. Recently I heard Wayne Coyne had a terrible addiction to red bull and had to ween off of it by switching to cocaine. That may be a complete lie. And I don’t think it will come to that with me, but we’ll get there when we get there and thankfully I have such wonderful friends, I’m sure they’ll throw me a very chic intervention.
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they are the only actually nice energy drink. meal deal winners.
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I rarely dabble in the energy bevs but I used to get Monster because I was in the mindset of moar for cheaper. My guts can’t really deal with it anymore so if I do partake it’s the 8oz can of Red Bull.
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My favorite song to play when I’m driving home at the end of the day. It’s a living soundtrack song if there ever was one. It’s ideal for rainy nights, getting ready in the morning, or field stripping your pistol.
Dec 14, 2021
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Dec 14, 2021