It’s simply the best kind of coffee. I’ve been a ride or die “never touch the hot” cold brew advocate for years now. For the unaware, it is not iced coffee. It’s brewed cold overnight and the result is less bitter and more caffeinated than a hot brew. I’m currently in London where nobody except starbucks seems to have it and i’m going through withdrawal symptoms
Nov 18, 2021

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just did this for the first time last night and steeped coffee grounds for 18 hours, then strained it this morning. i love the finished product so much that i'm incorporating homemade cold brew into my daily routine. i used to use a coffee machine that had a "cold brew" setting but this method just yields smoother and better-tasting cold brew. with milk and creamer, it becomes relatively similar to the starbucks chilled coffee drinks in glass bottles. +1 for analog coffee.
Dec 15, 2024
I got a Hario Cold Brew Bottle and it has changed my mornings for the better. If you're team iced coffee, you can have a nightly ritual of measuring out and brewing your own coffee. Plus it's fun to try different grounds. Rn I have Cafe Du Monde Coffee and Chicory and it rules.
Jan 17, 2024
I just love it.
Jan 31, 2024

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