Well, CitiBike in NYC and Divvy in Chicago, I split my time between the two as of late. I fell in love with the regular CitiBikes quite a few years ago here in NYC when it clicked with me just how much faster they were to get around the city than taking an Uber (which now feel about as enjoyable as being on a zoom call) or taking the train. The eBike situation changed everything. My friend Joe Holder refers to the pedal assist function they have as positive use of "strategic laziness" which I love. Not only do they help get you to a meeting far less sweaty and winded than a normal bike, they're incredibly fun. I use them for both functional transport and leisure. When the temp is just right, there is nothing more enjoyable than a ride (on alucky one that is completely free of rattles) from downtown up to Central Park, around the park, then back while listening to whatever audiobook I might be finishing that week. I just wish they were even faster, though, I've had my friends describe my riding style as "insane" so maybe that's not a great idea.
Aug 26, 2021

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Oct 7, 2024
the white Citi Bike (word to Blaketheman1000) goes so hard. Max speed 20 mph on a bike is the perfect speed and form factor, it’s my favorite way to get around New York.. I also think electric bike delivery workers have the best swag out rn. They’re one with the bike, very Snow Crash. Real post-apocalyptic energy.
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