I've really come alive this summer thanks to my new athleisure skort...in my new athlesiure skort I'm young, wild and free, I'm a guy's girl, I'm lithe, I'm being very Je ne sais quoi and falling in love along every avenue, showing off the highest heights of my thick ass thighs without exposing my pussy hole. I simply adore my new athlesiure skort. Also this company is size-inclusive and sustainable. Bonus vibes!
Jul 29, 2021

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honestly I wear their skirts and biker short jumpsuits not even for working out
May 20, 2024
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Alright boys & girls & all people, we have entered that small window in the northeast where you want to wear a long sleeve t-shirt or jacket or hoodie, but you also want to wear shorts. As the (unofficial) sovereign & all-knowing harbinger of getting cute little fits off for pi.fyiā„¢ļø (working title btw) I am approving all outfits that make this combo work for the foreseeable future. It doesnā€˜t even have to look good because it just feels good. Ladies, letā€™s keep it classy please. Remember: modest is hottest, or something. Boys, weā€™re in the 3ā€ inseam category rn. You need to look like youā€™re about to run a sub-5 minute mile. You need to look like a few misteps might cause a peep show. Iā€™m talking 75% of thighs are out on display. You might read this and go ā€œWow Mariano that seems very misogynistic of youā€ ā€” false, itā€™s reverse psychology. Keeping the creepy male gaze off of the ladies and instead giving them something to look at, like how we all have been gawking at Paul Mescalā€™s tiny shorts + shredded thighs combo. Donā€™t ever say Iā€™m not a feminist. (Hey this is like HEAVILY laced with sarcasm which Iā€™m sure 80% of you will read and understand but the 20% that wonā€™tā€¦please itā€™s a joke please laugh )
Aug 22, 2024
i notice my bottom layer mobility mostly at work (server) or at the bar (dancer). i recently wore this mid length pleated skirt both to work and The Buckingham, made possible by the baby tee i had shoved in my purse, and i felt limitless. i wear skirts to work but usually theyā€™re kind of tight and short so i have to wear shorts but i was full panty mode and could still do a deep lunge in these and iā€™ve never felt more alive i coukdnt shut up about it and all my dance moves involved a lot of kicking!
Mar 4, 2024

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My friend from collegeĀ Caroline Reese NelsonĀ left behind her life as aĀ singer-songwriterĀ in Philly to literally move to Montana, marry a guy she fell in love with when she was 18, and become a full-time shepherd and rancher. I went to visit her last summer while on a cross-country road trip and she said that now, even when life is hard, she has a "LOW LEVEL OF CONSTANT CONTENTMENT" can u even imagine???? I live for her instagram stories where she explains the ins and outs of farm life while looking absolutely stunning. I've also ordered her Little Creek Black Angus Beef which she ships all over the country. The meat is antibiotic free and raised with soil health and carbon storage always top of mind. Following Caroline on Insta is my fave way to escape city life (NYC is amusement park from hell)
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