I know nothing about art but the one exhibition I ever truly enjoyed was these artists showed the death of Geocities. It was through the account @rhizomedotorg...and they work with the New Museum. That exhibition has long been over but there exists a trove of archival content on oocities.com. I love the weirdo nothingness oblivion of the internet and peopleā€™s obsessions, and Geocities was a great place for the meeting of those worlds. The original K-hole! Shame itā€™s over, but with geocities, some of these relics exist, though a lot of links are dead.

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Iā€™ve been wanting to make my website more reminiscent of late 90ā€™s web pages so I came on here for design inspo. I ended up getting totally consumed by all of the personal homepages. There used to be so much creativity, personality, and intention involved in creating an online presence. I could (and did) scroll through here all day!
Jan 16, 2025
recommendation image
A fun use of Internet Archiveā€˜s log of Geocities' pages (made available via their Wayback Machine tool). This works as a snapshot of graphic design and a survey of public interest from the late 90s to the mid 00s. Note: This appears largely unmoderated so beware clicking through to the source pages and some materials may be NSFW.
Jan 23, 2024

Top Recs from @liana-satenstein

I think Uber, Lyft, or yellow cab drivers know me the best. I think itā€™s easy to read someone when they are kinda trapped in a cab. I probably have told these drivers more than my own friends...lucky them. Anyways, it brings me to Taxicab Confessions, the HBO series that ran from 1995 - 2006. (Glory years were in NYC from 95-96 until Rudy Guiliani shut the show down!) Basically, the driver would film their passengers doing whatever and talking about whatever. I thought it was just me but other people like to divulge everything when they are in a car...The one that has stuck most with me is this drunk girl, who I later found out was an actress and co-wrote American Psycho, talking about how she envisions herself with someone. ā€œI never, like, wanna get normal. I wanna be, like, making love to you, day and night, night and day. I donā€™t want to shop with you. Thatā€™s fucked up.ā€...Oomph. You get the picture. The clip is available on YouTube. I posted one to my Instagram of this rock dude in the back of a cab acting crazy with this girl and actually, my coworker knew the guy and tagged him...heā€™s Sean Pierce of The Toilet Boys. He explained that it was a setup between him and the cab driver who was the director Todd Phillips. I love the series so much I have merch from it. PS. The writer C. Brian Smith did an amazing oral history about the series for Mel Magazine (RIP!).
I love these two Olivias of the vintage world. They truly know how to source and have equally stellar eyes. O La Roche is by Olivia La Roche. Sheā€™s a California babe but now lives in Rome, so all of her sourcing is from Italy. She offers a perpetually going-out wardrobe that will immediately make you feel va-va-voom. Itā€™s all hot freak-in-the-city vibes. Then there is Olivia Haroutunian of Texas who is Depop famous but has transcended that world because she is a MENSA fashion IDā€™er. She finds the most slept-on labels even in something as rabidly looked at like Sex and the City. Sheā€™s managed to track down the real designer of Carrieā€™s naked dress, Elisa Jimenez. PS. She is 22 and paying her way through school by selling vintage.
I love @citibikeboyz. They are a group of rugged hot freaks who hijack Citibikes and do tricks around the city on them. Itā€™s all the dudes I would have crushed on in high school but now repacked and elevated in some psychotic, concrete pavement-fied way. Itā€™s run by Jerome Peel of the workwear label Peels. Anywaysā€¦.I canā€™t wait to join this posse of bipedal hooligans. They are anti-electric bikes though, which is literally the only thing I take in summer. Womp.