I recently (finally!) after months of searching and not wanting to spend too much money, found the Pierrot clown lamp of my dreams on Willhaben (Austrian equivalent of Craigslist). He’s the perfect shade of a robin’s egg turquoise-y blue, I cleaned him with a toothbrush and some soap after having picked him up collecting dust in Vienna’s 22nd district, took him back home on the U-Bahn with me and we’ve been having a whale of a time ever since. I feel happy every time I switch him on.
Jun 17, 2021

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was inspired by josh-chun’s beautiful show stopping seal lamp to post MY favorite lamp ……… also animal shaped …………… got it from the thrift store and i was afraid it wouldn’t work. i also did not have anywhere to put it. but it was labeled $0.49 so i said shit whatever !!!!!!!!!!!! turns out it DOES work and casts a spectacular orange glow…….not to mention i found a place for it next to my desk…………….rec of the day is lamps you guys. buy lamps. they will change u
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My favorite spot to go catch a movie, they have retrospectives of the best directors and have an overall wonderfully curated selection of films. It’s run as a film archive as a non-profit, and consists of one very minimal screening room and a small cafe adjacent to it. Just hearing the way my shoes click on the white marble floor will already make me giddy — I’m so glad it reopened. Just before the pandemic caught one of my all time favorite movies, Fellini’s Juliet of the Spirits there, on original restored film.
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