I know what you’re thinking, another gay man with a penchant for pop, another bum boy obsessed with Kylie. But this is the best, most hornily, summery song ever written (Madonna’s Tell Me with the Marlboro men is excellent, but feels less seasonal). After the first note of Slow I can literally taste sea salt and sweat and spf50 on my lips. The video is heaving with ripe bikinis and the heavy gussets of men in Speedos. Saddle up.
Jun 3, 2021

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This isn't music that's interested in earning your approval—it's mainly concerned with reveling in the grimy and transgressive weirdness of itself. It is also frequently gorgeous, but there's a darkness and an urgency to it that reflects queer experiences more honestly than the structured glamor of a pop anthem is really capable of. These songs exist outside the boundaries of conventional expectation, and the less stock you put in those expectations the more you love and admire the music for being itself, and for being different and spectacular and strange. It's hard to imagine anything more queer than that. "I turn from God Slick with rot Thick as Vaseline"
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