At a certain age, a good percentage of your self-worth comes from finishing stuff. I know we’re supposed to stop being hard on ourselves, but that’s sort of unrealistic, so might as well be efficient. Using iPhone Notes is ok for drafting stuff, but not as a to-do list. For paper lists I use the Action Method notebooks that Ghostly distributes. I have very very bad handwriting though so I've probably used 10 different apps over the years. I’ve found that I don’t really need features and folders. So this is dumb simple, and something about the action and sounds it makes it fun to add to. BUT, buyer beware, this app seems to be phased out by the developer, so play at your own risk.
Apr 6, 2021

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Most underrated native productivity app on iPhone tbh. am I the only one who organizes all their lists with it???????
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Comes standard on any iPhone and if you are a compulsive list maker (like me), it’s so much better than the notes app. You can color code and categorize and drag and drop to reorder, attach links to items, include pictures…I can find anything in any one of my 100 lists 🩵
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Dec 10, 2023
I started a playlist series called Herb Sundays, which came out of posting sort of uncool (“herb-y”) records that I was listening to online and thinking about how the perfect Sunday records get played when other people aren’t looking. I don't feel bad plugging this series because it’s free and the mixes are by other people than myself. I don’t think I could host a podcast so this scratches the itch of inviting interesting people to contribute to something beyond my regular job, and its also purely for fun. Music discovery is one of life’s great gifts. A good new song can make your week, and a good mix can make your day. This series is also a love letter to the Mixtape. I still think a hand-cranked mix is one of the greatest DIY projects as far low-effort satisfaction on both ends of the chain. I’m not anti-algo on the whole, it has a place, but you can feel it when someone puts time into making a great mix.
Apr 6, 2021
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Apr 6, 2021