I started an herbalism apprenticeship this year with an Indigenous elder and now am surrounded by a bunch of inspiring herb people. Every one that you talk to about their “Top 5” herbs can’t resist including nettle. It’s so unassuming. It’s not crazy aromatic, or even a particularly beautiful plant at first glance. But, Nettle is an all around, super-nourishing plant for humans. It supports the respiratory system, hormone regulation, and reduces inflammation (which many of us city humans are wrought by). You can also sip it all the time without worrying you’re overdoing it. It’s very harmonious with our systems. It is easy to grow in a pot on your fire escape, too!
Jan 28, 2021

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love this austrian woman who started sharing herbal remedies in the 1980s mainstream by making them look as chaste as possible lol (i still think she was a witch). i used to work at an apothecary, and we referenced this book often to help customers. i’ve also found immense benefit from some of her suggestions for menstrual cramps, tummy troubles, headaches, allergies/respiratory issues, etc, plus i love the ritualistic element of preparing and taking these herbs. some of her recommendations are a bit ?? but otherwise i trust her, just use your discernment. if you are interested in incorporating herbs into your life, i would start with stinging nettle, calendula, yarrow, and swedish bitters (be careful w this one bc it is literally 40% alc and u should only take like a tsp at a time). was just reminded of this bc im trying to grow my hair out and needed to reference some of her suggestions for a tincture im making i linked the book and here’s a picture of a recent edition <3
Mar 23, 2024
beautiful herb, I’ve come to love the bitter taste. soothing, softening, strengthening. carried me thru a time of profound grief not by dulling or distracting from my emotions but by holding my hand and clearing my mind as I faced them ❤️‍🩹 (check contraindications! safe for most but not all!)
Mar 12, 2024
I’ve always grown things and made teas etc. im going to get more serious about herbalism I think. today I bought a bunch of herbs for mixing: motherwort, clary sage, hibiscus, chamomile, and kava kava.
Jun 16, 2024

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