Maybe a few of you might know Mercury Rev from the altogether more lovely/pastoral "Deserter's Songs," which spawned three hit singles in the UK alone when it was released in 1998.
But this one -- the band's 1991 debut, with a different singer and an entirely different (lysergic) outlook -- comes straight outta the rust-bucket wastelands of a very economically distressed Buffalo, NY.
I wrote about it at length for Magnet -- it was the first time the six original members of the band had gathered to talk about it.
"As (singer Jonathan) Donahue predicts, the results represent six different creation myths that sometimes synch with one another, but just as frequently spin out in space, going in seemingly every possible (opposite) direction, often simultaneously. “Six chefs, one cauldron,” laughs Donahue at the memory of it now. “Six witches, one spoon.”
They are my friends and one of my all-time favorite bands but it's amazing that they survived the craziness of that period, which I think is baked into the sound of this totally acid-fried classic.
Taking drugs to make music to take drugs to.