The concept of sustainability is fraught with so many imperfections in reality, but I still strive to do what I can on a personal level to minimize my impact on the environment. One of the easiest ways to do that recently has been to shop with retailers that place an importance on sustainability. In NY, I would often visit Package Free in Williamsburg for sustainable home goods and reusable items. Sustain LA is basically the equivalent on the eastside of Los Angeles. I came to LA with just a suitcase so I bought just about everything I could for my home from here, but their refillable program probably provides the greatest benefit. You can buy or bring your own containers and fill them with whatever products you need: soaps, oils, laundry detergent, ...even deodorant. The world still has a long way to go in embracing sustainability as a necessary component of our infrastructure but finding ways to be a conscious consumer is a good enough start that I find quickly becomes a more holistic way of life.