I feel bad promoting a competing entity but c’est la vie! I just spoke in French because the woman who runs Passerbuys, Clémence Polès, is French and is in France right now. Clémence visits women in their homes, takes pictures, and asks their recommendations on what to read, what to cook, where to eat, and just general insider tips. Here is mine, for the curious. I am extremely nosy and I am regularly asking “where did you get that?” I am obsessed with other people’s apartments and their drinkware and why they chose rye over bourbon. I think I have read each post all about 2x over, even my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s! On the site, the entries can be sorted by occupation or city/neighborhood; it’s immediately clear that she hasn’t just interviewed 12 creative directors and 9 brand ambassadors. My only rule is that you can’t visit the site until you’re done reading this newsletter because that would be rude.