This show has helped me fill a small fraction of a void inside of me, that is the yearn to travel again. Street Food — Asia is beautifully shot, diving into the lives of each individual street food vendor. As travelers, we see cheap and delicious food, but we rarely think about the struggle behind running a street food stall, and I think this show does a great job of unpacking the lives of each individual, highly recommend!
Dec 24, 2020

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His best show, I think. There are 12 seasons. It captures and shares his profound desire to taste life — all of it — and understand people. And the humanity of food; life is hard and messy, and still we eat and find joy in that.
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This TV show was inspired by the movie Skate Kitchen, and it sadly only got two seasons. It had a wonderful diverse cast. The way it was shot and written was so refreshingly realistic & natural, in a way I still haven't quite come across since. I hesitate to solely say "written" (although I'm sure most of it was), because some of those dialogue exchanges felt so natural that they reminded me of improv. It was like the directors had turned on a camera and started filming an existing environment. (Was gonna recommend I Am Not Okay With This in this thread as well but someone else in the comments already gave it some love <3)
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