I don’t have one but if you have one I can’t underestimate how important it is that you use it all the time. Ok I have a bath but it’s so small and sad. I have to fold into a pretzel -- a tiny one in the Chex Mix pretzel, not a big Beer Garden pretzel -- to fit and it always feels like it has residue of my aforementioned hair dye. But if you have you use it for me. Spread out. Sprawl. Light candles. What a treat it would be to have a bathtub during a year like this. I’d buy a floating tray, candles, bubbles that would make me breakout. I have to leave this fantasy, it’s making me cry.
Nov 17, 2020

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why would i stand to bathe ? turning off the faucet with my toe makes me feel so regal. epsom salts with eucalyptus. my body is working hard, i deserve to soak. my roommates can wait. bring bath toys (make sure waterproof), a kindle, a candle, maybe even some blue gatorade. fuck it!
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