This past month, I invested in a standing desk for my home office. And I’ve gotta tell you, it’s pretty sweet. Want to play videogames standing up? Now you can. Want to package orders standing up? Now you can. Want to shitpost on Twitter standing up? Now you can. With the UPLIFT Standing desk, anything is possible. They have loads of different wood types/finishes for you to choose from along with many other customizations. I went with the walnut option and it looks amazing.
Nov 5, 2020

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if, like me, you are cursed with being imprisoned in front of a computer, in your own home, for many hours each day, just so you can pay rent, this is a suggestion for you before getting a standing desk i basically never used my desk at all, working exclusively from the couch and doing untold damage to my wrists now with both the desk and the balance board, not only can i manage to do my job with less existential dread, sometimes it’s even fun to pretend i am surfing whilst writing code or business documents
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one moment i'm sitting down the next i'm standing up! Raising desk up when someone comes to look at something on your computer >>> pulling up a chair
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