Over the sink, roll up dish drying rack - tiny kitchen gang, wya?
Nov 26, 2020

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If you rent in nyc you probably know that dishwashers are hard to come by. Life was keeping up with handwashing dishes like Sisyphus rolling a boulder up a mountain. Then I set this up. Takes up the same amount of space as my now replaced drying rack, and easily connects to the sink. It WORKS, Y'ALL. Surprisingly well. Had it for 6 months now and it may be the best purchase I've made so far this decade.
Mar 3, 2025
Less stuff: I got rid of like 1/2 my clothes now I have 1/2 as many clothes to fold. It is amazing. Cup Collection: It’s mostly usually cups and clothes ya? having a dishwasher helps A LOT if you don’t have a dishwasher that is very hard, I’m sorry. I just try to load and unload the dishwasher once a day. Cup collection time. unload dishwasher in the AM and put stuff in and run before bed (takes like 5–10 min each way). Counter Clear: I put away all my skincare after every time I use it. Bathroom counter (or vanity if you use that). Takes like 2 min and is visually helpful to not have that clutter. Extra tips: Vacuum rly quick for like 5 min every day or two (my cats make a mess so it’s easier to want to do this). Mop once a week on Fridays (I have my husband do this) House keeper comes once a month on the Friday before I menstruate and can’t do anything but be a blob And just cleans in a way I didn’t even know was possible and really just helps reset.
May 24, 2024

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