For weeks after I finished this book for the first time I would think about it every five minutes. I’d be walking around the city and everything/everyone would be glaringly vibrant, beauty and ugliness coexisting and screaming. Everything pulsated with life in an almost uncomfortable way. She’s a freaky genius. This book honestly changed the way I see the world.
Mar 8, 2023

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Predictably made me cry, but she's also tough with it. Read it last spring and a year later I still think about it
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just finished the maggie gyllenhaal audiobook which was so entertaining. so well written and so insightful into the minutiae of being a girl. the magnifying glass she uses to describe her surroundings and feelings! she can't sleep and she can't read! the metaphors!!! so tragic to think how she overcame this but still came to such a sad end :( and even worse to think of how hard she was on herself and how revered she is now
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If it’s a rainy foggy night, deluxe. I also read most of Veronica while listening to this album and that combination was true transcendence. Literally gave me chills.
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I made a bunch of wild changes in my life recently. Went sober for a couple months, quit smoking and started exercising like crazy…highly recommend all three of these but specifically I found love for basic bitch fitness. For the first time I fully understand the fanaticism: the light filled mirrored room, Taylor swift remixes thumping in your sports bra bound chest, a tiny nasal bubblegum voice thick with vocal fry assuring you that you are so strong and powerful, ok ladies! Instills this nearly manic feeling of total control and capability and I walk out feeling psychotically euphoric.
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