The best insight into true American culture I’ve seen on TV yet. Would 100% partake if I was a wife in the early 2000s. They don’t make TV like this anymore!
I’m five minutes into episode one and screaming. Reality television is just absolutely buckwild insane. clothespin my eyes open strap me to the couch I’m watching every episode
probably ethically horrific (lots of private interpersonal strife including kids happening on camera) but also sociologically fascinating. seems like a lot of the women on this show lack female friends and see having a sister wife as a way to have a community?
my current situationship put me on this golden piece of media from 2007. it’s that quintessential y2k reality tv that’s just sexist enough to watch with the girls over wine; will you rock my world?
I never feel better/hotter than after a blow out. Highly recommend for girls and boys alike. If I was president they would be covered by health insurance.
The mastermind behind some of, if not the greatest Jpop acts of all time. Perfume, Capsule, Coltemonikha, to name a few. I am continually inspired by his work. The Albert Einstein of Jpop. He reminds me a lot of my friend Chicken.