I recently discovered you can just buy these at the store and make them yourself and my life has completely changed. This brand is the best I’ve tried so far.
Mar 8, 2023

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Michael Mann’s 2015 foray into the cyberthriller subgenre is kind of a complete mess, but I couldn’t look away. It’s maybe his most maligned movie (he hasn’t made one since) and to be fair the acting isn’t great, but it’s visually stunning even by Mann’s standards and is incredibly emotional and gripping for a movie about computers and cops and the stock market. A totally enthralling meditation on alienation and placelessness where all the settings and places feel alarmingly immediate and tactile.
Mar 8, 2023
Whenever I have an annoying administrative task to attend to, I put on Bill Evans. Often it’s You Must Believe In Spring or Conversations With Myself but it could be any of his records really or just something he played on. His piano playing is deeply comforting to me and at this point has a Pavlovian effect on my concentration that’s more powerful than Adderall.
Mar 8, 2023