People are constantly asking me where to go out in New York, but thatā€™s kind of a hard question to answer. What I try to encourage people to do is get together with a group of people they love and go somewhere they would normally never go. People are far too fucking pretentious about their nightlife in this city and if youā€™ve spent every weekend for the last three months at Basement or Bossa or whatever, youā€™re probably chasing something youā€™ll never actually catch. I have the most fun when my friends go somewhere out of our ordinary, with people weā€™d never normally associate with. All of this to say: Itā€™s ok to go dance at ACME sometimes.
Jan 23, 2023

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Let's call it like it is: There seems to be a lack of cool spaces for Black people in New York, especially in convenient neighborhoods, and it makes me scratch my head. Don't get me wrong: I love a Fanelli's moment, a Time Again moment, a Honoree Club moment, or a Rocka Rolla moment. After all, New York is supposed to be a city that prides itself on the people being integrated, despite our differing identities. You can have a fun experience anywhere in New York. All the other cities must bow down to us. However, to help get New York's groove back, I do believe there needs to be chic spots were men and women of color feel singularly welcomed at. Spots that aren't on TikTok, or a part of a scene. I lament this at times. Now, here's the good news: I recently found one that has become one of my most visited establishments. Please Tell Me in Williamsburg, just off the Graham Avenue L stop, is a fun and elegant late night spot with good drinks and great music. It feels like a place where Black folks -- and all folks -- can congregate, hear great hip-hop music, from the classics to current, and have a nice Pilsner, Lager, or a cocktail. (The cocktails aren't bougie and pretentious either. It's pretty chill). Even the food is solid: I highly recommend the chicken sandwich. I can be picky about bars. They mean a ton to me. A good bar is where you can find comfort, comfort that life tries to strip you from. A good bar is like church, it enlarges the brain, elevating it to a relationship with someone other than himself. A good bar is a wife of 20 years. A good bar is when you meet someone that inspires you to write a short story. There's nothing like a cold one at a place where the bartender knows you --- doesn't know everything about you --- but knows you enough to want to talk to you about the news happening in the ether. Please Tell Me has earned my trust. It's a small space, for certain, and it can get a little stuffy in there at 1AM in the morning, but the high-spirits override any of those worries. Another cool thing: I met my girlfriend -- Mrs. Commas to all of you --- there. I knew I wanted to take her on a date when I saw her at Please Tell Me. I went bar hopping last weekend with her and our homies and we had a grand 'ol time. We weren't there for long, we got two drinks, danced to four songs and then left, but it's the kind of spot that lifts your sprits when you go. There were Black women dancing near the DJ, black men cheering them on, white and Latino men also connecting with us, and having fun. It is what I want New York to be like, what New Yorkers of color should experience. Shout out to Please Tell Me! Let's keep this place going.
Dec 19, 2024
This one is almost ubiquitous if you live in a major city center with a bustling scene of young people, unfortunately my current city isnā€™t exactly the ripe format for this (although San Antonio has its pockets for this kind of thing right now and the scene is small but mighty) any chance I get to get under some strobe lights and fog machines in front of a big sound system - I get a true taste of what freedom is. I can move my body in an expressive manner and expect little to no judgement (maybe a grilling from my friends), stay up as late as Iā€™m willing to, and share stories/secrets/opinions with friends and willing strangers in a chill out room. I think nightlife has a sore reputation at times for being an asshole magnet but some of the most creative and sensitive beings Iā€™ve met have been in this kind of environment I miss it dearly and canā€™t wait for the next dance, truly
Mar 27, 2024
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Small dance floor so not gonna recommend it on a weekend but sound/vibe will be legit for actual dancing. Also in NYC the real dancers ā€”Ā for house at least ā€”Ā tend to follow particular DJs (in the Paradise Garage and Club Shelter traditions) but I am personally out of the loop so you'd best ask the rug cutters in question when you spot them in the wild. Also look into Friends and Lovers in Crown Heights ā€” another spot run by old-school heads.
Mar 28, 2024

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I went to Miami for Art Basel and by the end of the weekend I was filled with hangxiety so I spent an extra day sitting on the beach reading Stephanie LaCavaā€™s newish novel I Fear My Pain Interests You. Itā€™s about the daughter of two punk rock stars who suffers from ā€œcongenital analgesia,ā€ which means she feels no physical pain, and though itā€™s definitely not a breezy beach read, it destroyed me, in a good way.
Jan 23, 2023
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Jan 23, 2023
I moved to Greenpoint two years ago and tell everyone I live on the same block as Lena Dunham in Girls, though thatā€™s a lie. Greenpoint has all the perks of gentrified neighborhoods (lush wine shops and lush wine bars, plus a bakery with addictive focaccia) without any of the drawbacks (Chipotle, Urban Outfitters, Equinox ā€“ for these things you just walk to Williamsburg). Thereā€™s so many good restaurants (I hate to say it but Five Leaves is perfect) and Transmitter Park. Also, thereā€™s more aged childless hipsters than breeders in the neighborhood, and controversially, I love the G Train.
Jan 23, 2023