Forget "Indie Sleaze"-revival...when are we getting plain old "Indie" revival? When I think of "indie" music, I think of bands like The Shins, Death Cab, Arcade Fire, and like Rilo Kiley or something lol. For me, this was my entrance to it all! I don't think I would be who I am now if my snapback-wearing beiber-bang-rocking hockey-playing self didn't hear "New Slang" at a very impressionable point in my life. Until recently I thought I was an Oh, Inverted World guy but it turns out I may actually be a Chutes Too Narrow guy. I still love that album of course, but I think songs like "So Says I" and "Kissing The Lipless" distill their specific style of bright rock music & James Mercer's vocal delivery better than the others.
Oct 13, 2023

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