On this month’s episode of “Alex’s random youtube deep dive“ - we explore… Bushtube (🤔). YouTube creators who specialize in bushcraft (essentially wilderness survival). The first “series” I followed here was from Joe Robinet. He’s a full-time “content creator” and a previous contestant in the first season of the show Alone. My favorite “series” Joe did was a multi-week long canoe and camping trek in the Canadian wilderness of the Wabakimi. He Canoes, portages, camps, and fishes for days on end, talking to the camera to keep sane and provide entertainment. Another one of my favorite series he does is his “winter bushcraft” in a fort he made somewhere deep in Canadian forests, where you see him progress a homemade “fort” over the course of several videos, from a pile of sticks and a sleeping bag all the way to a full-on house-like structure.