I love people. I love my friends, my foes, the people that ignore me, the people that tolerate me, the people I don’t know, and the people I’ll always know. My family, extended and immediate, and my strangers, around the corner or around the world. People are what I live for, and what I’m sure to die trying to appease, impress, offend, inspire, but above all else entertain and instruct. Shouts out to Taylor Cohan, Roger Hayn, Aaron Light, Isaac Reynaldo, and Rob Scharlach, Negashi Armada, Robbie Barnett, Ivy Wolk, my everydays, my homies. Shouts out to Pedro Bello, Santangelo, Francis, and the whole AdWorld team as well as Dylan and Lena Redford for the inspiration and the fun. Blu Hunt, Sally Sum, Video Expert, Alec Moeller, Ally Davis, Jackie Kramer, Brooks Skerritt, Bianca my Yung_Nihilist. Dasha (the true one), Colter Fellows, Harrison Fishman, Ben Gordon, Oliver Shahery my New York warriors. Grant, Jon, thank you for the best summer job I’ve ever had. Xander for the best spring break job I’ve ever had. Kennedy, Lily, Isabelle, Viviana, Gibson, David. Tommy, Leigh, Andy, Alex: my boys on the hustle, the movement. Thank you to my exes and my future exes for teaching me, for listening to me, for giving and for taking. Thank you to everyone who’s let me screen their film, and everyone that’s told me never to screen a film again. That’s not everyone I forgot a lot of people. Ben Friedlander. One of few I’ve seen as stressed about a film screening as me. Kate, Casey, Keenan, Edward. My film family. This sounds like a suicide note but it’s an expression of a gratitude I feel every day. I love you.