I love driving. If you’ve sat in my passenger seat you’ll think this answer is bullshit, but it’s true. I drive long distances quite a lot, and I love the meditative aspects of a long trip somewhere. In the summer I drive a 1991 Mercedes 500SL my Dad and I have poured almost double its Kelly Blue Book value into, and I have a nondescript daily driver for the rest of the year. I hope I can buy more cars soon, as I want to burn more and more money on shit I love for the rest of my life.
Dec 26, 2022

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is it objectively a bad way to get around? yes. should quality mass public transport be a larger priority worldwide (but especially the united states)? yes. BUT!!! i must contest with the fact that driving is so goddamn fun to the point of being a bit dangerous. like often times it doesn't quite feel real to me. but wearing some lazy baggy shit putting on some clogs getting in the car putting on whatever music feels like the energy and handling business or going to the beach or whatever is amazing and i love getting to drive when i go visit my parents
advice from my dad, life’s too short ♡
Jan 24, 2024
so uniquely intimate — whats more fun than being loved and trusted enough to adventure in another’s shoes. It’s also the right amount of scary and empowering
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Dec 26, 2022
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