I have always been a lady of the night (I don’t sleep ever) lol The nighttime is when I get most of my creative work done. Some would say that isn’t healthy or effective but it works for me. I can never get any good sleep when the sun is out. My friend just put me on to sleep masks. Idk how I never thought of that but since I've been using the sleep mask I've been sleeping like a baby.
Dec 21, 2022

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I don’t sleep too well. I don’t know if it’s an Adhd thing or all the caffeine I put into my body, but it’s gotta be something. Like a week or two ago I found a JetBlue eye mask that I never used in my backpack and I’ve been using it to sleep. Honestly, that shit rules. This is probably some of the best sleep I’ve been getting in my life. Only downside is sometimes the mask will move while I'm sleeping and I’ll wake up with it covering my nose.
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this is a GAME CHANGER!! you will feel a little silly for about two nights, and then you will experience true rest
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Ok here are some things that work ok for me, but they have not fixed my overall fatigue so ymmv: -if I wake up anytime after 5.45am or so, I do my best to stay awake. If I fall back asleep I feel way groggier and worse when my alarm does go off and wake me up. -anxiety meds, allergy meds, mouthguard have all helped me stay asleep instead of waking up in a panic or in pain. Use as appropriate to you. -no evening naps!!! If I’m really tired I just have to make it to 8pm and then I can sleep. -reading or journaling before bed would keep my brain a little too wired to shut off easily. I have had way more luck listening to a silly podcast with white noise on in the background and playing solitaire (such a low brain-engagement game) on my phone. It’s like a scalp massage but for my mind. -my old neighborhood could be very loud at night, I hadn’t thought before abt using earplugs but now I don’t hesitate. I recommend the weird wax ones that you can shape to fit your ear. -make sure you’re the right temperature. I have lain awake many nights for too long without realizing I was simply too cold to fall asleep. somehow my brain wasn’t registering that fully. now I keep a sweatshirt next to the bed so I can add a layer if needed. -sorry to say but being well hydrated and truly tired from your day (esp if you’ve exercised) does help falling asleep a lot. EDIT TO ADD also I quit coffee for unrelated health stuff but that also seems to have helped falling asleep so much, i wish it weren’t true bc i miss it but don’t think i can go back
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