Ok here are some things that work ok for me, but they have not fixed my overall fatigue so ymmv:
-if I wake up anytime after 5.45am or so, I do my best to stay awake. If I fall back asleep I feel way groggier and worse when my alarm does go off and wake me up.
-anxiety meds, allergy meds, mouthguard have all helped me stay asleep instead of waking up in a panic or in pain. Use as appropriate to you.
-no evening naps!!! If I’m really tired I just have to make it to 8pm and then I can sleep.
-reading or journaling before bed would keep my brain a little too wired to shut off easily. I have had way more luck listening to a silly podcast with white noise on in the background and playing solitaire (such a low brain-engagement game) on my phone. It’s like a scalp massage but for my mind.
-my old neighborhood could be very loud at night, I hadn’t thought before abt using earplugs but now I don’t hesitate. I recommend the weird wax ones that you can shape to fit your ear.
-make sure you’re the right temperature. I have lain awake many nights for too long without realizing I was simply too cold to fall asleep. somehow my brain wasn’t registering that fully. now I keep a sweatshirt next to the bed so I can add a layer if needed.
-sorry to say but being well hydrated and truly tired from your day (esp if you’ve exercised) does help falling asleep a lot.
EDIT TO ADD also I quit coffee for unrelated health stuff but that also seems to have helped falling asleep so much, i wish it weren’t true bc i miss it but don’t think i can go back