I’m addicted to Sudoku and have been for the past six months. My favorite thing is when the day is done and the TV is on and I'm working on a sudoku with my two cats next to me. Pure bliss. I don't like ordering things online and sudoku is actually really hard to find in stores. It's not at drug stores or regular bookshops like you'd expect. You can always find it at the airport or at like Iconic Magazines on mulberry st.
Dec 15, 2022

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Mental exercise 🏋️‍♂️, a simple but all-consuming addiction. I’ve played at least 1 game of sudoku every morning for months. I look forward to it, and find myself opening a game in progress rather than doomscrolling IG during those little moments of “in-between time”. I play on a phone app, but I’m seriously considering a back-pocket book of sudoku.
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