Sometime in 2018, back when the world was our oyster and NYC offered a Cheesecake Factory length menu of places to drink alcohol with friends and strangers alike, I lost interest in activities. āActivities?ā You may ask, āWhat do you mean by that?ā Iām talking card games, tennis, gingerbread house making, dodgeball, chess, you name it.Ā Now that bars slam their doors shut at 11 pm, I have been forced to refind the joy of games, crafts, challenges and group athletics. A game of pickup sticks among friends is actually an exciting change of pace from spending too much money on martinis till too late at night. Thursday afternoon kickball is a great way to get some sun and take out some pent up aggression. Activities forces you to put in effort and organize with friends as well as frequently pits you against them, strengthening bonds and competitive tension in a way that adds a little spice into your social life.