Here ye, here ye, we at the Drunken Canal have figured out the ultimate formula to a Super Sunday. It’s like the Superbowl Sunday, but better, because there’s no football it’s tennis, and instead of beer and chicken wings, it’s wine and a shrimp cocktail! Grab your friend, grab your racket, and enjoy the summertime sun!
Mar 18, 2021

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can't talk babe, new PI website just dropped
Nov 2, 2023
YOUTH IS WHAT WE AIM FOR, isn’t it? At least it’s what all the products in my medicine cabinet tell me they’ll help me with. While I can’t get the days of being so underage that my body doesn’t even process hangovers (I am not condoning teenage drinking), I can totally pretend I am a high schooler with the metabolism of an athlete. The key? The Hydroflask. Nothing screams, I’M 14 YEARS OLD AND FROM ARIZONA (neither one of these are true for me) like a steel water bottle that BANGS and GONGS against every surface. I ought to add, it is particularly good at keeping your beverages the same exact temperature at which they entered the vessel, but that’s just a bonus honestly.
Mar 18, 2021
I have gone through four tubes, a package change and even an entire formula revamp of this thing and I still swear by it. It’s the perfect shade of brownish-red, it’s shiny, and it moisturizes your lips. It’s not perfect for wearing masks, but it’s oh so great for leaving kiss marks everywhere you go.
Mar 18, 2021