Nothing beats being first, being a leader, forging a new path rather than following a beaten one, wandering a bit, gaining novel experiences on the journey, then telling everyone that the future is bright & to do what you've done. Yeah, that's the best.
Oct 27, 2023

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like actually going out and trying things. put in an effort and take pride in that (being effortless is soooo out for 2024). use this platform to find new amazing things! you can never really know what you like and what brings you joy and fulfillment and all that cheesy stuff unless you actually go and really try a bunch of stuff. I love trying!
Feb 6, 2024
Be fucking nuts today. Just throw shit together. See what sticks. We are the thinkers…
Ask for that favor, put that song out, make that connection, ask that girl out. Nobody will pat you on the bat and give you the green light to start a new business journey, you gotta just jump off and into whatever you want to do or build and figure it out along the way. As it progresses you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you have built and it will all feel real because you made it happen instead of just thinking about it .
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