When i tell someone “omg i love you’re thing”…i want to know how much the fuck it was and where the fuck you got it. Be a girlie and share! Let’s work together chicas to be the cutest chicas of all time hello!!!!!!
Nov 2, 2023

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If you go to the movies regularly this deal cannot be ignored. Not only can you see all the good movies, you can see the bad ones with no regrets
Dec 3, 2024
i live laugh love going to the movies, and having my regal unlimited membership makes it sooooo much more financially feasible! plus i love rewatching movies and being able to see an unlimited amount of movies for a flat rate a month is so unbelievably worth it to me. if i had an amc near me i would be an amc a-lister for sureeee! we gotta keep movie theaters alive it's like one of my favorite places <3
Jan 26, 2025
the amc a-list is well-known gem, but it is really one of the best deals available, especially after the recent change they made to it. four movies a week! what! However I get sometimes you just have to go to the cinema on a budget, tickets can be expensive. STILL, support your local independent theater if you can!! at least around me there are multiple rep theaters (shoutout the coolidge theater in Boston and the Brattle in Cambridge) that constantly show old films and introduce classics to a new audience. I will die for these theaters, and I try to find a balance between using my a-list for new movies and seeing rep screenings at the indies! you can do both! I LOVE MOVIES!!!!
Feb 17, 2025

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musical numbers make me so emotional lol. they  make me feel so happy for the performers like i can’t stop thinking about how much work and raw talent it took them to make it and how proud they must be!!! i didn’t even really love this movie but i always think of this scene…channing TATUM!!!!! he’s so GOOD!!!!! and committed!!!! it feels so good to see a scene that people had to work hard on and it’s beautiful and delightful and FUNNY……simply inspiring….
Nov 2, 2023
if you want to feel famous….listen to this song in any type of moving vehicle…look out the window…let your mind Take You There. This song is a portal to making you feel romantic and included in an industry that doesn’t care about you!!!! It sweeps and it moans and it makes your heart swell! Gives you chills and reminds you there’s a reason you’re trying to be an actor!!! Like maybe you made the right choice!!!! This song is hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Mary Hopkin can get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
It sucks the clit mate…drop the mic
Nov 2, 2023