been reading tropic of cancer by henry miller and it's him traipsing around paris being horny and a writer and poor and it's so good. i love when men talk about things
a book of his journals and writing about writing. every page is an opus and he captures what it’s like to be an artist and distills these instincts / urges, struggles of fitting into the “real” world etc. with language that examines the journey through the psyche
A diagnosis of the contemporary male malise. I just started, but I like to post in case someone is is/wants to read it along me, I’ll come back when I’m done with my review!
read this recently and it’s been mad long since I reaaaaally dug a book like this. so frank and truthful and didn’t feel contemporary- sometimes contemporary gay literature can be a little too I Made You a Cookie But I Eated It vibes but this was so visceral and enriching and wow. Highly recommend
Saying yes to having read a book that you only read the beginning of and then abandoned forever. Also applicable to movies that you've only heard of and can claim to have forgotten.