The first schizoposter. I've been carrying the little book of poems I Have More Souls Than One with me for almost 5 years now - it's always within reach. Pessoa came upon a method of fracturing perspective into different "authors," through which he then managed various poetic form, voiced unpopular opinions, and so on. "Please excuse the absurdity of what I am about to say, but there had appeared within me, then and there, my own master," he wrote, with the language of a spiritual possession, upon discovery of this method. BPD boyfriend, ahead of the category. I open the little book to a random page: "Soon as there are roses, I want no roses." Desire fulfilled is not desire, after all. "The gods do not consent to more than life." We are not separate from nature; we are nature. Accept the dissonance of method, approach The Book of Disquiet. The consistency of the occult, through the dozens of heteronyms, should fascinate even the most faintly tuned-in medium.
Nov 10, 2023

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