I take a drive from my house into Griffith Park, entering via Vermont. I drive past the Greek, up the hill to the Observatory, down through Fern Dell, then I get onto Los Feliz and come back home. I do this whenever I’m happy, sad, ecstatic, suicidal, or am feeling the need to celebrate something. I will often stop at the 7-11 for a Celsius beforehand and drink it on the loop. Less frequently, I’ll put my car in neutral at the top of the hill and see how far I can get down without shifting into drive.
Nov 13, 2023

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every time i drive to north hollywood and take coldwater so i can brood at the mulholland overlook, there are several massive, lighted, blinking signs that say, “WATER MAIN PROJECT. EXTREME DELAYS. USE ANOTHER ROUTE.” the haters and losers reeeeaaaaaallly don’t want me to sit on top of my car and vape (because you're not allowed to smoke out there; wildfires) and listen to elliott smith and ponder and yearn and contemplate and draw conclusions and create paradigms and perspectives and viewpoints. 😎 i also want to point out that i’ve never hit these fabled ”extreme delays” taking the canyon, and then i don’t have to drive the 101, which is infinitely less interesting and sparkly. i guess it says something about me and my choices that i’ll take a road i‘m warned possesses nothing but delays and trouble for me if it means i get to see something sublimely beautiful along the way. i wonder how many of those people down there are trying to quit vaping. i wonder how many love christopher guest movies. i wonder how many ignore warning signs too ⛔️
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Have you guys heard about this place? I spent last month in the breezy, golden town and can’t stop thinking about the cool mornings and hot, never humid afternoons. Or the big, beautiful houses with yards — backyards and front yards. Or those houses’ proximity to foamy beaches and bright, bountiful farmers markets. Or the currents of clean, salty air that spilled into the car window while I drove* around the sprawling city. Seriously, look this spot up, you won’t regret it. *was driven. No, I do not know how to drive, which is the only reason I didn’t stay in L.A. and leave sweaty, congested Brooklyn behind forever.
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