Listen, guys, I’m with you—I’m appalled by the mass-scale animal cruelty of factory-farmed dairy, not to mention the poor nutritional quality and foul taste of its resultant product. That said, I don’t have a dog in the raw milk fight; while I can’t muster outrage over it, I also can’t bring myself to care—much like many political issues I’m socially obligated to have a black-and-white opinion on. I find myself torn between my opposition to authoritarian nanny-state control and my inherent distrust of the Amish, the common purveyors of black-market raw milk (it’s fine, they can’t read this unless they’re on Rumspringa—I guess, in which case: welcome, Jebediah).
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that there’s a middle path between factory-farmed slop and forbidden milk straight from the cow’s teat: organic, grass-fed, regeneratively farmed A2 beta-casein milk from heritage cows. A2 beta-casein is easier to digest because it’s the primary protein in human breast milk; cow’s milk originally contained only A2 beta-casein until a sinister genetic mutation introduced A1 beta-casein, now dominant in nearly all commercially available milk. A1 beta-casein is much harder to digest because it doesn’t break down as easily in the body. I love Alexandre Family Farms and Origin; they have great animal welfare standards and their products taste amazing. You can even get A2 beta-casein ice cream from Alec’s brand! See—you can make a cool enlightened alternative choice without being an annoying contrarian about it.