I love food. I love love. And I love movies that are about food making people fall in love. This movie was right up my alley; it really fucked me up. Juliette Binoche is one of the hottest women in the world. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it, cry, fall in love, tell all your friends. I think it’s one of the most underrated movies of the year.
Dec 13, 2023

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Yes…it is boring often, but also, so are a lot of other things people do. Whenever my friends would ask me to go see a concert that they were putting on with their band or to see them do stand-up comedy— did I think of all the bad stand-up comedy I’ve been to before? Yes. But did I still go hoping that theirs might be good? Yes. That is because I don’t hate life. Yet often, when I tell people “come see a play with me” they’re like “UGH I hate plays.” Theatre is really cool; there is often really really shit theatre and that’s ok. A lot of things are really shitty. Think about this: where else can you go and hang out with 400 people, minimum, and be able to sit and *something* over people possibly failing in front of you. It’s really fun! Go see threatre.
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This man was a fascist, but he was also gay, and you know what, sometimes gay people can be bad. And sometimes bad people can write really well, and one of the greatest writers of the 20th century was Yukio Mishima. If you want to see into worlds beyond your own, you should check him out. He created an entirely new language for Japanese literature. I discovered him when I took a Japanese literature and translation class in undergrad and he’s been my background on my phone ever since. He’s great. I think that if you want to start right, start with “Confessions of a Mask” and go on to “Forbidden Colors.” Every book is a banger. Also watch Paul Scrader’s movie, “Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters” It’s a phenomenal phenomena phenomenal movie.
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