Dave is the best pop producer in the world, the universe and beyond. He immediately gets ‘it’. His work is always so complex & so layered, but it always is the right exact amount of shimmery pop specialness in exactly the right places. My album would not have been possible without him.
Sep 15, 2023

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definitely more than just "problematic", he did some very deplorable things but he was also an amazing producer and songwriter and heavily inspired my fave (Brian Wilson)
Genius producer. Ive never seen his face. He produced my whole EP. Ive never seen his face but I know he’s a God. We started working over together over twitter. We have made over 150 tracks together. He told me the other day every time we complete a track he buys a memory stick for it in a different colour (pantone colours) and puts it on a chain and then hangs it on his ceiling. So when the wind blows they make their own song like chimes. Everyday I wish I knew he was. Being proper serious my two missions in life is to find out who Bamster is and win a British TV soap award.
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He’s probably got awesome fans for an opener and would love to be around his team and learn from him. I think he’s doing of one of the most true and also COOLest things in music rn.
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My ultimate, ultimate life companion, nothing compares to a sausage dog really. The short legs, no knees… they’re funny, a little disobedient but they make everyday happier and sparklier. Especially my own sausage Reginald, my golden prince.
Sep 15, 2023
This book is a MUST read. I’ve been reading a lot recently about the aesthetics of girlhood, girlishness, the colour pink & the symbolism behind it. Its informed a huge chunk of the identity behind my new album and also the exhibition I am co-curating at Somerset House (more news on that soon….!).  Fun fact: if you didn’t know already this book taught me that Hello Kitty is actually a little girl, not a cat.
Sep 15, 2023
Theres not much to say really apart from that this is the ultimate snack. It is the thing that can get me out of bed in the morning and ready to start the day at HD HQ. Girl breakfast, lunch & dinner.  I think about them all day, between the moments that I’m thinking about Reggie. Frozen grapes are my second fave too.
Sep 15, 2023