The internet archive is truly the best website ever…
especially the section of scanned in computer manuals (with great illustrations) and eye spy books
The internet archive is just the greatest thing ever, i love it for the ephemeral films and lost home videos, old religious and esoteric manuscripts, textbooks, nasa photos, centuries’ worth of magazine issues, old records, lectures…. 💌
I took a break from reading Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner to read this.
(I was on a long waitlist at my library for this book, so I had to pick it up!)
I knew going in the vibe of the book going in but I definitely didn’t expect the narrator to be obsessed with Whoopi Goldberg and her pussy as much as she was….but all in all it was an interesting read to say the least.
Like??? AQUArius???? That so wild to me…..why not Aerius or some shit (since aer is air/wind in Latin like aqua is water Latin as well)…..AER-something!
Y’all should be water signs idc idc idc
y’all are the feds frfr and a waste of space on this earth like….of all the organizations that are actively polluting our society you could’ve chosen to hack to hell n back, y’all picked IA??? y’all suck!!!!