Without sounding like a bitter luddite, I miss the days of people capturing moments for the sake of remembering, not sharing with strangers. We all have childhood VHS footage and disposable photos of seemingly mundane moments at family BBQs, birthday parties, vacations, etc, but in the iPhone age most of our photos are taken with the intention of posting. This is a crucial difference, for me at least, so I recommend getting a camera not because it takes better photos than your phone, but because it'll remind you to capture more regular slices of life.
Jan 5, 2023

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i used to always be the one taking photos when my friends and i hung out and i've slowed down a lot lately, while my phone's storage is definitely thanking me i really miss it! i miss having a hundred photos of my friends smiling when i look in my camera roll. i've never had the best memory so it's capturing a moment i would never be able to properly picture (pun unintended) on my own. i think i got worn down by the number of friends i had who'd make fun of it and tell me to just live in the moment but also pester me for photos later, and the fact that since i was the only one ever taking them, i never had any photos of me, but when i hang out with some of my best friends with the same philosophy it's so lovely because we all end up with a million photos of each other being happy :))
Feb 17, 2025
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I used to be the person who always had their phone out taking photos and videos of EVERYTHING. I loved it so much because I could look back on any single day in my camera roll and just know what trouble I had that gotten into that day. Some people say you aren't living in the moment if you have your camera out, but I beg to differ. There were so many small moments that I would have forgotten if I hadn't photographed them, and therefore I hold a lot more appreciation for the small moments in life. I feel like it made me realize how life is not as mundane as it seems, and that I do a lot more with my days than my brain can recall on instant. I'm not sure why, but I stopped doing that over the past few years. I am trying to get in the habit of documenting my life again, and I think more people should too!
Feb 13, 2025
Sometimes I carry a digital camera with a big lens but you don't have to do that. A phone camera works fine. Some people nowadays feel ashamed when taking photos, and I think that's sad. Yes, photos can be curated highlight reels of your life that take you out of an individual moment to capture it, but that's okay. People curate their perceived lives all the time, by what they talk about in conversation, what they wear in front of certain people, what they write about for interviews. And capturing a moment for future memory can be worth a slight step out. It’s powerful to create your identity and remember your past.
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