I write loads and have been fortunate to have a lucky break or two with acting early on in my career...which is just a few years old.
I started off in journalism and digital editorial work fresh out of uni to pay bills and bide some time for *the* sudden inspiration of my destined life path to emerge flawlessly and effortlessly from the depths of my psyche, from the heavens above.
reality went like this:
all the while, I harbored my secret acting bug I caught from early days on Earth. I'd take a night class or workshop here and there in secret around the city to expose myself to my own propulsion, until finally biting the bullet: I auditioned and applied for my masters, got accepted, and moved across the pond to London to do the thing — I've been here ever since. Shot my first television show as a recurring character in a crime drama during the pandemic and then followed up with my off-broadway + professional stage debut in nyc. THE way is not linear...and maybe thank God for that