I was in your same position when I was younger & decided to take lessons: friend, it completely made me hate the idea of playing guitar. I wanted to rock and roll but they were having me learn hot cross buns. One day I put my guitar into its case and slid it back under my bed where it stayed for years.
I only took it out again after some friends and I jokingly created a band, ironically.
At that point there was no taskmaster other than my whimsy, so I learned what a power chord was and went bananas. With every goofy punk song we wrote, it seemed like I’d learn a new technique or chord to utilize and it was fun and exciting.
After awhile I learned about tablature and how many people would notate the songs I loved, and so I used those to pick up new progressions and such. It was helpful because every now and again a song would deploy something I had never tried, but it was easy to learn when motivated by the song, ya know?
Anyhow, that’s my two cents.