This record “I Am The River, The River is Me” is the best protest music I’ve heard in forever, in that it’s just so goddamn human. with all the hurt and searching and sex that entails. But while addressing climate change, liberation of indigenous peoples, and more. amazing songs. Exactly what I needed this year.
Dec 20, 2023

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It’s the instruments and sounds that does it. It sounds apocalyptic. Lots of BOOM CRASH and deep hums. Hums so deep and visceral that you start to wonder if this is what Gabriel’s horn would sound like if it were Judgement Day. It’s loud and continues to get louder and louder until you start to feel claustrophobic. Your heart starts racing and maybe you sweat a little bit. Then it manages to reach the deepest parts of your heart and you start to empathize with Joy. This must be how Joy feels being made to live with the fact that she will probably never experience a life of self-expression, vulnerability, and contentment. Her essence sucked out of her. A woman named Joy who never experienced joy in all her 30 years of living–how ironic. At the end, it’s got you looking up at the hollow sky, feeling disconnected and disillusioned, too.
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It's haunting and melancholy but very passionately performed. If you like Christine and the Queens, Holly Humberstone, or Holly Herndon for that matter, you'll dig this probably (but put through a Celtic filter). Came out in April and I keep returning to it. Especially "Life of the Forbidden," "Wee Rosebud," "Into This, Called Lonliness," and the closing track "S.O.S. Song of the Sword" is VERY on the Kate Bush tip.
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