I will always do this no matter what, no matter where I am or where I live. Im in love with Massachusetts, go Red Sox forever
Dec 21, 2023

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Hereā€™s the thing: Massachusetts sucks. But also, The Spirit of Massachusetts is The Spirit of America. Massachusetts is actually pretty sick if you just ignore all the things about it that suck. My family immigrated here from Nigeria in 2004 when I was 8 and weā€™ve only looked back a few times since. Sculptors should move to a region called ā€œWestern Massā€ because thereā€™s a lot of space there and itā€™s not far from New York City. No painters please.
Mar 13, 2023
pretty sure this is exclusive to Massachusetts.
Sep 28, 2024

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Ive been sitting on this one for a long long time but its time to put everyone on. If you find pleasure or beauty in weird youtube videos with no views this is for you. Search IMG and then a string of 4 random numbers (e.g. IMG 2947). Iā€™ve run across all types of great stuff: people rotating fake jewels, airplane footage, swim meets, Indonesian ravesā€¦you get the picture. You can spend hours at this. I think it works with other file formats too but ive had the most success with this one. Link anything cool you find in the comments, I wanna see it all
Dec 20, 2023
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Seriously it sucks so fucking bad. Had to go with some coworkers, its crazy expensive and so dumb, and the vibe of axe throwing places is so psychically damaging. Its one of those things that you can kind of talk yourself into, but I am telling you do not go. Make up an excuse, get out of it somehow. Completely ruined my vibe, still havent got it back a day later.
Feb 9, 2024
I used to really want a crony or a lackey, A guy who follows me around and says crap like ā€œyou got it bossā€ and ā€œanother really funny joke bossā€. A guy who hands me beers, cracks skulls, peels oranges etc that kind of thing. But lately, Ive been thinking. I don't want to be in charge of somebody like that, a power trip isnt good for anyone. Now Id like a small team of skilled experts
Jan 30, 2024