there is lowkey an unbelievable crisis in tech literacy atm, and working on the projects that i have over the last year has driven that home for me like nothing else. once upon a time, understanding how a computer worked was a precondition for using one. it isn’t anymore, and that is so unimaginably dangerous.
the total helplessness i’ve seen (some) people express in response to tech’s recent rightward turn has been deeply unmooring. i see people all the time who genuinely do not understand how the platforms and devices that *govern their entire lives* operate on a basic level. “the kids” didn’t become computer wizards - instead, the devices got good enough that they could abstract all of their actual functionality away from you.
the amount of power and control knowing even a little bit about digital technology can give you is immense. learn about http. learn about rss. learn about how servers operate. learn the absolute basics of programming. far dumber people than you are doing it every day in silicon valley, and they (and their bosses) are using those skills against you.