modernism in america told us that you’re supposed to move out when you turn 18. go to college, get a job, start a family, visit your folks on holidays. that was my plan, but life has a way of fucking things up. at 24 i moved back in with my parents after a stint of unemployment and a decision to break up with my high school sweetheart. i was horrendously embarrassed; the only thing making me feel less so was that my brother was living in the basement with his wife and toddler.
ive been living back here for 10 months at this point. i am so fortunate to have family who has my back unconditionally and through this ive really been able to see them as PEOPLE and not just my mom, dad, and brother.
i’m still trying my to gain some financial independence and would loooove to have my own place, but ive realized that success isn’t defined by how well your life aligns with ideals from previous generations. i have an amazing relationship with my niece, i get to enjoy the company of family pets i wouldn’t be able to take care of on my own, i get to help my mom out whenever she needs, i get to catch the tail end of the movies my dad watches on the couch. ive learned more about what family means to me and what it means for me to be apart of it than i have my entire life before. i’m so so thankful.
so here’s my brother’s dog kimmy enjoying the sun while i smoke a joint on the back deck before i go to work :)