volunteer in an area ur passionate about. personally I like poetry when it’s scrawled out of u from the pits of ur body
Jan 2, 2024

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living with your grandmother for any parasocial bitch that could possibly gaf and knows about niche internet celebs like me:) i took the semester off because of my brain and im living w my grandmother in the city in the smallest state of the world. my grandmother is loud and asks me uncomfortable questions but Im going to blame it on her age and not get angry she has so little time they were talking abt alzeimhers meds at dinner and I really hope I don’t get it the man there was talking about his pastrami parties where they all get around the table and pick add the fresh peppery pastrami sizzling out of the oven and how his father used to make pastrami in Brooklyn and that he had a pastrami business anyway an elderly woman just explained to me her peace and acceptance towards her own death If I go I go she said thinking why some people can go and be all peace and noncommittal what luck and privilege! to sacrifice your body and time to ur kids and ur husband and ur work and still have enough to have a country and community that loves you to be seen as worth peace even in death
Apr 12, 2024
I recommend this
Jan 9, 2024
just got my Brooklyn library card today. libraries are stunning, reverent places.
Dec 30, 2023