dreaming about the house i'd have, how many meals per day i'd eat outside, spending the holidays in a different part every year, the clothes i'd buy, but mainly about all the free time i'd have. These fantasies keep me going, the working man's fuel!
It's a cold world but your dreams are bath warm. So take at LEAST an hour out of your day to daydream about something that stretches the limits of your reality. Like . . . .
Opening up a creamery in Iceland. Or playing hide and seek with friends in the Dolomites. Right now I daydream about opening up a late night cafe open from 10pm to 6 am, where you can buy books and use free wi-fi and play some arcade games.
I like the idea of living as if i all of sudden have all the free time in the world. trying things i’ve never tried. developing new hobbies. maybe even golfing.