my friend Kevin sent me this album last night and it's really scratching the itch I had for like, straightforward classic indie rock but done very well. the songs are so direct and deliberate and I love how stripped down the arrangements are. kinda feels like yo la tengo at their best, some of the motifs songs etc. I <3 music
Jan 4, 2024

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The Laā€™s made their first and only album three times, and rejected all three for not being good enough. The label got fed up and released the third attempt without frontman Lee Maversā€™ permission. Mavers has dismissed it ever since as being ā€œall fucked up like a snake with a broken back.ā€ I get that itā€™s his burden to strive for perfection, but his failure is my inspiration. Ā  I relistened to this album a while back and have been stuck on it for months. There is not a single wrong note, not a single moment of hesitation on the whole record. It is pop rock written and performed with a despotic level of focus. As far as songwriters go, Lee Mavers may well be the equivalent of a mad scientist deep underground trying to create a perfect vacuum night after night. The songs are concentrated, some of them so economically structured that they barely even exist. They may not be ambitious in scope or message, but they are crystal clear statements.Ā  I love Lee Maversā€™ voice more than anything, he sings like he wishes his voice could be as perfect as a guitar. Heā€™s straining so hard, he hits each note so squarely on its head, never a syllable out of time, heā€™s got no room for attitude, heā€™s trying to write songsā€¦
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Randomly came across this album that came out in 1996 and I kinda fell in love with it the other night. Something charming about realizing there were also people making cool ass indie music aside from the more mainstream stuff that ends up being more remembered as decades pass. I mean it's not unheard but I'm somehow just discovering it. Def worth a spin as autumn is hitting , big indie folky/chill 90s vibes.
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