Just do it. If you’re in New York there’s so many models I don’t understand why you wouldn’t find a nice one and just settle down. Also people stare at you and say things like “beautiful couple” all the time, it is cool!
should i drop everything and move to nyc? should i go to the club tonight with friends and kiss a stranger? should i pretend like everyone is in love with me?
I use no dating app as I am too beautiful and it’s all too confusing for a nubile young girl like me… however my sometimes-habit of yapping with random old/interesting/cute persons I encounter on my hour+ long commutes home has recently bore the fruit of some really incredible and unexpected first dates. I recommend chatting with the attractive stranger - maybe give social media only if you are a bit afraid but if anything it is a great exercise in Remembering How To Talk In a Human Way Like a Normal Person 💯
a perfect character with perfect dialogue. The perfect actor to play a robot with no soul. The movie would have been a 4/10 without him and he brought the entire movie to a 8