started at 20 & am hoping ill be completely grey by 35. good as a way to confront whatever fears abt aging I have & actually makes me excited to age…full silver will be a Sick look
Jan 5, 2024

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At 23 I don’t think I should have quite as many grey hairs as I do
Nov 11, 2024
some people may freak out, but to me it's just a sign that I'm experiencing the privilege that is aging (not to say that I'm old or something lol). but when I look at "imperfections" like skin texture, fine lines, and now my grey hair, I just think about how they're just a sign I've lived, and I'm so happy to have lived as long as I've been able to so far. I can't wait to see how I change throughout my life.
I’m very excited about it and it just feels right. I think women start reaching their peak hotness at age 40 and then continue to age like fine wine so I’m looking forward to that too. My plan is to start seriously attempting to grow up in some ways but we’ll see how that goes; I’m probably just going to extend my adolescence in other ways because I have the freedom to do that. Mostly I just keep thinking about how when I was a kid who were 30 seemed so OLD but to be fair it’s not my fault they were like balding. Or like I keep seeing that people I know from high school are parents or watching things and being shocked that the mom characters are my age 🤡 but I don’t know it honestly feels pretty meaningless and arbitrary to me to mark and judge my life using age as a measurement
Jan 9, 2025

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small college radio stations & independent radio is where i find the best music that i've never heard of. or just some wild freak shit. either way its great
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hehe has replaced lol lmao haha etc. just hehehe. everything is so funny hehe. i like to giggle hehe.
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Turn those lights off bro. light some candles or turn on fun little fairy lights. It’s nice when u can’t really see much so you just have to feel your way around. relaxing & helps me get ready for bed
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