This is a short film by Lynne Ramsay that I like a lot. It’s sad and sweet and beautiful! And it’s on Criterion right now.
Jan 9, 2024

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So beautifully, achingly emotional. The saddest and most transcendent ending in perhaps all of cinema. Check it out on Criterion Channel.
May 31, 2024
I often find it hard to find something on the Criterion Channel that is….maybe just a little bit…uplifting? This film is maybe the only piece of media that my mother and I both agree upon as superlative. Also probably a great holiday watch? When you’re not exactly in the mood for It’s A Wonderful Life but something in the neighborhood sounds good? This is not a niche movie by any means, but if you haven’t seen it, quite nice!
Jan 11, 2024
from gut wrenching to a light tug: mustang (2015)- made me cry twice in one watch. (disclaimer: a lot of turkish people have mixed feelings abt how this movie represents turkish culture so watch with a grain of salt but also remember misogyny does in fact exist everywhere) la chimera (2023)- there is a looming melancholy throughout the whole film but the last 30 minutes really did a number on me thelma & louise (1991)- gut wrenching in a beautiful female friendship kinda way lars and the real girl (2007)- the premise looks silly on paper and tbh it is but it still made me cry in the end nonetheless (maybe i’m just a dweeb) haru (1996)- early internet bonds. also more on the lighthearted side of things but tugs at the heart.
Oct 22, 2024

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I know this is very Mitt Romney saying his favorite meat is hot dog, but I like to throw around a ball. I turn my brain off and lay on the couch and toss it up and down. I bounce it against a wall. The best version is sitting around with a friend and having a catch  while chatting. Any ball: Tennis ball, Pinky ball, stress ball, whatever. At the time of writing, I have a purple grocery store ball and two foam tennis balls in my arsenal. Foam tennis balls are good because when you inevitably hit the TV, it won’t fall over.
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Blue Jam is a radio programme (British term for “program”) that Chris Morris made after Brass Eye. It’s a surreal collage of ambient music, monologues, and two-person sketches. I listen to it on Spotify while I ride my bike but I think it should work on any vehicle.My favorite sketch is about these parents who are really casual about their child going missing. The man calls out to his wife “They found the body, love” and she goes, “Oh!” like it’s an interesting piece of trivia. Comedy is really funny when it's paraphrased, so hopefully that made you crack up.
Jan 9, 2024
I like Billy Joel but he sometimes has the sense of humor of a 7-year-old that just ate too much sugar. When he does this song live, he sometimes changes the lyrics to “I go for ice cream!!” and during the solo he jumps up and down on the piano with his butt.
Jan 9, 2024