I love taking a little walk down memory lane by going on the dreaded Facebook app and straight to the memories section where I then look through all the ridiculous statuses I posted on that day many years ago. It’s refreshing to see how little you’ve changed and how much you’ve changed
nothing better than spending a friday night going through your memories-box and crying looking at old photos, birthday cards, movie tickets, letters and old diaries… sentimentality can be cathartic
extremely comforting to have a social media platform where the prevailing emotion is love and enthusiasm, wonderful to see everything my friends love and wonderful to express the love in my heart to like-minded souls
Especially the album Microphones in 2020. The kind of music that makes me feel like no matter what I do my art will be worth it all (which is on average true) and that it will always be a part of my life (alongside the sentiment that, just by surviving, I am creating art)